When your new job comes with a company car, you will likely be thrilled. After all, there are many perks to having a company car. First, you don't have to wear out your car driving for your job. Also, you can probably get the gasoline and insurance covered by your company as well.While company cars are meant to be for work purposes alone, many people do tend to use their company cars as personal vehicles, which can be a mistake.
One thing you should keep in mind is that some companies have strict policies when it comes to their company vehicles. You may not be allowed to drive your company car for any purpose other than business. Therefore, taking it on vacation is usually not permitted.Also, you may have a mileage limit each year, unless you are on the road a lot for work, so be sure to keep that in mind.
Lastly, you should treat it with respect (no smoking, eating, or drinking unless you are careful) because if you return it with flaws you might have to pay for them. It can be very annoying and expensive to have to pay for a burn mark in your seat or a coffee stain on the flooring.
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.By: Shirley Simmons